Tuesday 3 May 2011

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

If my media product was to be published it would have to be distributed and i would have FRONTLINE  to do this. There is a process of which the magazine would have to go through.

1.Publisher ->2. Distributor ->3.Wholesaler -> 4.Retailer ->5.Consumer
   (Bauer)         (Frontline)                                (Shops)          (People)

Bauer the Publisher is in partnership with frontline who is the Distirubtor. 

Frontline sells 160 magazine titles, 54 big ones including 'Q'  and 8,000,000 magazines are sold every week! and send copies of the magazines to 55,000 shops. Frontlines job is to mazimize the sales of its magazines in the most cost effective way to make sure the music magazine industry wont die out.  

This shows that frontline is a trustworthy distrubution, and this proves that my magazine would be secure and succesful.

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