Tuesday 3 May 2011

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Producing my media product i used a variety of technologies. I used a programme called 'Adobe In design' after alot of practice i became familiar with the programme and this is allowed me to design and function a layout for the magazine. It also helped me to make the mastheads and sell lines  bold and attractive.  

I used a 10.0 megapixel camera to make the photos  as effective as i could for my magazine, the higher the megapixel the better the standard of the picture would be so this was a good idea to use a high pixel camera.    
   If i wanted to edit my picture i would use the programme Paint shop pro, i used this to remove the backgrounds of my pictures this was because the back ground wasnt appropriate for the magazine which made the picture look even better.

Another programme i used was abobe bridge which allowed me to bridge the photos from the camera over on to the programme adobe in design
Finally the last programme i used was the internet, the internet allowed me access to get ideas, research and prompt me as i went along.

All this played an important role in the making of my product without these this wouldnt of been possible.

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