Tuesday 3 May 2011

How did you attract/address your audience?

I attracted my target audience by putting a role model alike on the front cover of my magazine, this will attract my target audience because they want to be similar and as successful as the model on the front page.
I used myself as a base to produce the target audience, misson statement and reader profile this was because i knew many people who enjoys the type of music i do like R&B and 'Pop'.
When i was researching for music magazines i noticed that there was no brightly coloured magazine and were usually just one genre for example 'Rock' so i wanted to introduce something new and something that girls can read that's why i produced a colour scheme of pink, yellow and white because it stands out more and looks more colourful which will more likely attract the target audience. I used sell names of artists that the target audience likes listening to to attract them to read and find information out about their favourite artist and kind of music.

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