Thursday 25 November 2010

Mission Statement

My music magazine will be based on Hip Hop and R&B, new music, style, imagery, new artists that will be hitting the chart hard! and the way this kind of music effects and will change our lives. 
  Its aimed at music lovers from the age of 16+ rather than a particular small age group. Vivas readers work hard in the day but when it comes to the nights they like to go out and play.
 The reader has a passionate life and a sense of style and loves laughter.
Viva contains elements that give the latest goss and all the new music hitting our charts, reviews, interviews for who's hot and who's not. Vivas sensation seekers also gives style advice from the most celebrities that will make you feel and look good as well as the music industry. Viva will make sure that you keep up with the moving music and what new artists and songs will be released that will change your sense of music. 
  The first issue will be arriving on the shelve stores near you on December 17th (January's issue) a new start a new year a new music trend!
 Viva are expecting to hit the chart and settle down in march 2011 which will change a ladies music review for life.

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