Monday 29 November 2010

Reader Profile

Reader Profile

Women 96% 
Male  4%

     Average age- 24
     Working- 60%
      still studying- 40%
      Married or living with a partner: 64%

  Its important to..                                                                                                 
  • keep up to date with the latest music- 83% yes 17% say that they love the classics!
  • buy the latest CDs or downloads- 97% of the public said yes  
  Big spenders
£40 on CD's per month
£25 on the cinema per month

                                                                          285 CD's on collection
                                                                         150 posters
                                                                        Average time spent reading a magazine- 1 hour 45 minutes


Average spend on:
CD's- £10.5 million
live events- £5.8 million
cinema- £6 million
downloads- £8 million 



picture of the kind of people who would be interesting in my music magazine.

Thursday 25 November 2010

Mission Statement

My music magazine will be based on Hip Hop and R&B, new music, style, imagery, new artists that will be hitting the chart hard! and the way this kind of music effects and will change our lives. 
  Its aimed at music lovers from the age of 16+ rather than a particular small age group. Vivas readers work hard in the day but when it comes to the nights they like to go out and play.
 The reader has a passionate life and a sense of style and loves laughter.
Viva contains elements that give the latest goss and all the new music hitting our charts, reviews, interviews for who's hot and who's not. Vivas sensation seekers also gives style advice from the most celebrities that will make you feel and look good as well as the music industry. Viva will make sure that you keep up with the moving music and what new artists and songs will be released that will change your sense of music. 
  The first issue will be arriving on the shelve stores near you on December 17th (January's issue) a new start a new year a new music trend!
 Viva are expecting to hit the chart and settle down in march 2011 which will change a ladies music review for life.

Music Fan Profile

Miss Sophisticated 

What are they wearing?
They have the latest styles, getting all there clothes and shoes from the high street, 'Shopping until there dropping' and 'never having to many shoes!'. They never fail from looking good and making an effort to impress, getting all the ideas from the classy celebrities such as 'Retro Rhianna' and 'Fashionable Frankie from the saturdays' 

Listening to:
Up to date music from the new released singles and the old classics that made there memories. They are listening to hunky hip hop, rap and R&B. They are listening carefully to music where the lyrics mean or relate so something that tells a story or a part of there life. They listen to artists like Jason Durelo, Neyo, Katy perry and Rhianna, but most of all something that has a jiggy beat!

Wants to be:
happy! waking and going to sleep with a smile on her face, close with her mates and going out and enjoying herself. Popular with the boys and girls which make her laugh. In the day she a working hard which she might find gay but in the night she likes to come out and play! 

Where will you find her:
out socialising with her friends, partying or cuddled up on the sofa with a partner with a tub of Ice Cream. 

my questionnaire evaluation

Here are the results for my 10 questionnaires that I handed out;
5 Females and 5 males answered my questionnaire I thought I would hand it out equal. There Were 4 people that were in the age category of 14-18, 5 people were in the age category 19-24 and then 1 Person circled the age category 25-30. The age category that was most popular was 19-24 I think this is because the music magazine would suit more of this age category. I got some young people answer the questionnaire as well this was to see if they had different answers to the popularist age category. 2 people circled the pop as the favourite music they liked, 1 person circled rock, 5 people circled the music genre hip hop/ R&B and 2 people circled the music genre dance, which is good because I’m going to base my music magazine on a hip hop and R&B. 6 people said yes they read music magazines and 4 people don’t read magazines this isn’t so bad because on the average only 4 people out of the questionnaire don’t read music magazines. I then asked the question ‘what part of the magazine do you prefer?’ 3 people circled the answer 'news', 3 people circled the answer ‘reviews', 2 people circled the answer 'pictures' and 1 person circled the answer '3 ‘upcoming events ' and 1 person circled the answer 'competitions' however know one circled the answers ‘advertisement’ and ‘interviews’ I then asked when would you like the magazine to be published, 4 people circled the answer ‘every fortnight’, 5 people circled ‘every month’ and 1 person circled weekly, Most people wants the music magazine to be published monthly which I think is the best idea.
Then i asked what is the appropriate cost for my magazine. The most popular answer was £2.00 - £3.00, 2 people circled the answer £3.00- £3.50 and 3 people circled the answer £1.50- £2.50. I asked what mastheads would people like to appear on the front cover of my music magazine, The most popular answer was Viva with 6 people circling it, 3 people circled the answer Pulse and 1 person liked the answer XOX. Know one like the answer 1st base, kiss or soul. I then asked what are your top three artists; there were some popular names for example; Eminem, Rhianna, Neyo, 50 cent, Timberland, Justin Timberlake, Katy Perry. I also asked what are your favourite music magazines, some of the most popular answers were Kerrang, Q, NME. I Have chose my slogan to be Read Up, Party On.

Tuesday 16 November 2010

my questionnaire for a music magazine

A Market research Questionnaire for a music magazine

1. Are you male or female?
• Male
• Female

2. How old are you?
• 14-18
• 19-24
• 25-30
• 31-36
• 37-45
• 45+

3. What kind of music do you like?
• Pop
• Rock
• Hip hop/ R&B
• Classical
• Jazz
• Dance
• Metal/heavy rock
• Other (please state)

4. Do you read music magazines?
• Yes
• No

5. What part of the magazine do you prefer?
• News
• Pictures
• Reviews
• Interviews
• Upcoming events
• Other (please state)
• Competitions
• Advertisement

6. How often would you like the magazine to be published?
• Monthly
• Every fortnight
• Every week

7. What is the maximum price you would pay for the music magazine?
• £1.50 - £2.00
• £2.00 - £3.00
• £3.00 - £3.50
• £4.00 +

8. What masthead do you prefer?
• 1’st Base
• Kiss
• Viva
• Pulse
• Soul

9. Who are you top three artists?
Please state:

10. What is your favourite music magazine?
Please state:

front covers of music magazines that looked effective and i like the most

Thursday 11 November 2010

Analysis and Evaluation

The front cover of my magazine toke roughly 2-3 weeks to do. I like the masthead that was chosen because it was different, a short and catchy word and modern, its like a nickname with henry which is associated with the school which is called 'King Henry VIII School'. I think the size of my masthead is relevant because its big bold and has the colour school colour theme as its colour. However i tryed to make the yellow a bit more bolder but it didnt work i think it would of been more colourful and more eye catching if it did work though.  
    My main image is a medium close up of 3 girls that are in six form, i like my main image because it big and clear although it had to be miniminzed to fit in as an a4 page the width had to be smaller which makes it look a little bit squashed. In the picture there is nothing in the background except windows which stop distractions to the main image which is good, its colourful and i think its eye catching. The main image doesnt really indicate the main story but i think people would get the idea if they read the title because it has six formers in the image who look smart and intellegent. There are two subsidary images on the front cover of my magazine, I think the 'constrution picture' is a good size and you can see clearly what is happening in the picture and you can emphasise it to its title. The second image is of 7 pupils in there new uniform which look happy which is relavent to the title, however you cant see the uniform that clearly but i think its a good size image but maybe could of been a bit larger. 
   Sell lines and strap lines have been used on the front cover of my magazine. I used 'Henrys headlines' underneath the masthead which is bold and quite big but i think it could of been a bit bigger, i used the school colour theme again but the black outlining around the letters didnt come out well as i wanted it to. However i think the font is good and is modern. 
   The headings of the magazines subjects have again the same colour theme as the school but looking at it all finished i think i should of used a bigger size for the font to make it catch the readers eye. I feel that i should of made my titles more exciting and entertaining by using alliteration, if i could improve on the magazine i would do this. I Have checked over and all my spelling and punctiation is correct. I have used different font sizes and fonts atleast twice. I used a yellow as it is eye catchy and not a dull colour. 
   The design and layout of my magazine is well organsied, you can see all the images and nothing is overlapping anything. However i think i should of filled  the page a bit more this would be another thing i would go back and re-do. I think my front cover would be recognisable as a school magazine because it has relevant pictures and headlines that represent it. 
   Three strong points about my magazine is that the pictures are done well, like the camera angles and the way it has taken and there is no light hiding the pictures. I personally like my main image the best. Another strong point is my masthead, its bold, catchy and snappy and i think the colour of it is relevant because its the schools colour scheme and it stands out. Another positive point about the magazine is that there is no white spaces on the front cover, its all covered and it has no dull colours on the front of it.
    However three points that i would improve on would be to make the page be a bit more full not just have three subjects on the magazine. I would also make the font a bit more bigger so it would be more eye catchy and make people to read on and also make the headlines a bit more exciting.
Although i think i did well as it was my first time using programmes i never used before to complete my front cover of the magazine and feel i have put alot of effort in to try and make it look good.

Thursday 4 November 2010

Pictures I toke for my school magazine

This is a medium close up and I would use this image as my main picture

This is a picture i toke for my secondary images and would be one of the subjects i would do in my school magazine. I would be 'Construction on Site' 

Here is another image of the construction on site but at a different angle
Heres another picture i toke of the construction on site but its a different picture altogether

Here is another image I toke but of a different subject, it would be based on new uniform, i toke this picture because you can see the difference between the old uniform and the new. 

This is another example of the subject new uniform.

My School Magazine idea