Tuesday 3 May 2011

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I think i have made a big progression, i can see this because my preliminary task i only had a basic under standing of the use of technologies i used. The masthead was not big enough or bold which didnt stick out for the reader. I chose to start a new style for my music magazine by putting the masthead in the corner instead of the middle, which give it that more stand out effect. As you can see on my preliminary task you can hardly see the headlines and what they were about, but I have changed this on my music magazine, by filling every gap with bold writting. However I used two subsidiary images which was a good idea but they were plain and they arent as bold as they could of been. However i have learnt mistakes and built up my confidence from the perliminary task to make a successful music magazine, with bold and eye catching headlines and images. I feel that i have progressed well and is happy with my final product and that it actually looks like a music magazine!


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