Thursday 28 October 2010

Questionnare Results

Here are the results for my 10 questionnaires that i handed out;
5 Females and 5 males answered my questionnare i thought i would hand it out equal. There Were 3 people that were in the age cateogary of 10-13, 6 people were in the age category 14-17 and then 2 people circled the age category 18+. The age cateogary that was most popular was14-17 i think this is because there are more people in education than the rest of the cateogaries. I got some older people and some younger people to answer the questionnare aswell this was to see if they had different answers to the popularist age cateogary. 2 people circled the year group 6-7, 1 person cirled the year group 8-9, 5 people circled the year group 10-11 and 2 people circled the year group 12-13. 5 people said yes they read magazines, 3 people said sometimes they read magazines and 2 people dont read magazines this isnt so bad because on  the average only 2 people out of the questionnare dont read magazines. I then asked the question how often do u read magazines, 2 people circled the answer 'never', 3 people circled the answer 'once a month', 3 people circled the answer 'once a week' and 2 people circled the answer '3 times a week' and knowone circled the answer 'everday'. I then asked what type of magazines do people like to read, 3 people circled the answer music, 3 people circled gossip, 1 person circled fashion, 1 person circled sport and 2 people cicled the answer film, and know one circled celebrity so this answer was the least popular and music and gossip was the most popular answer. 
  Then i asked what was appropriate for my magazine. I asked what mastheads would people like to appear on the front cover of my school magazine, The most popular answer was Henners with 6 people circling it, 3 people cirled the answer the schools scroll and 1 person liked the answer eights great. Know one like the answer Go Gossip. I then asked what slogans would you prefer to go on my magazine. 4 people circled the answer Henrys Headlines, 4 people liked the answer Top of the class, Top news. 1 person circled the answer Henrys Voice speaks out, and another person circled the answer Students Scandel, personally i liked the slogan 'Henrys Headline' so i made that as the slogan. I then asked what would be the appropriate cost for the magazine 7 people circled the answer 50p - £1 and 3 people chose £2- £2.50 i think 50p - £1 is a good answer because people could afford to buy it and it would be good money for good value. Finally i asked what colour scheme would you associate with the school 4 people chose white and blue, 2 people chose blue and yellow and 4 people chose black and yellow, i think there is a varied answer because new uniform has been introduced.

  All these answers helped me design my front cover and i have chose all the favourite answers to make my magazine likeable by the students.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

School magazine questionnare

 School Magazine Front Cover Market
Research Questionnaire

1.      Are you female or male..?
·         Female
·         Male

2.      How old are you?
·         10-13
·         14-17
·         18+

3.      What year group are you in?
·         Year 6-7
·         Year 8-9
·         Year 10-11
·         Year 12-13

4.      Do you read magazines?
·         Yes
·         Sometimes
·         No

5. How often do you read magazines?
·         Never
·         Once a month
·         One a week
·         3 times a week
·         Everyday

6. What kind of magazines do you enjoy reading?
·         Music
·         Gossip
·         Fashion
·         Sport
·         Film
·         Celebrity

7. Which of these mastheads do you prefer?
·         Henners
·         Go gossip
·         The school’s scroll
·         Eights great
·         Other (please state)

8. Which of the following slogans do you prefer?
·         Top of the class, top news
·         Henrys headlines
·         The read of your life every fortnight
·         Henrys voice speaks out
·         Students scandal

9. How much would you like the magazine to cost?
·         50p - £1
·         £2- £2.50
·         £3+

10. What colour scheme would you associate the school?
·         White and blue
·         Blue and yellow
·         Black and yellow